Getting in the car today can sometimes seem like a real hazard. Even when you are focused on what you are doing and even when you are watching what the other drivers are doing, you can still become a victim. A distracted driver runs a red light. A speeding drunk driver misjudges a turn and crosses the median. The dangers seem to be everywhere. And while some car accidents are indeed accidents, many of terrible things that can happen when you are on the road are not accidental. They are the direct result of someone else not focusing on the road.
If you or someone in your family is the victim of a car accident that is caused by someone else’s inattention to what they are doing you may need the assistance of a personal injury attorney or a wrongful death lawyer to help you get access to the things that you need: compensation for lost wages or missed days at work, resources to pay for expense hospital bills or long months of physical therapy, long term assistance if you are the spouse of someone who was killed in an accident.
Without the help of a personal injury or wrongful death lawyer, you may find yourself struggling to get the things that you need. You may be struggling financially, emotionally, and physically because of someone else not paying attention when they were behind the wheel.
- Wedding opportunities to walk your daughter up the aisle or to enjoy the traditional Father and Daughter Dance because, instead of being up and walking, you will be lucky to be getting around in a wheelchair.
- Holiday get togethers at your Aunt Erma’s apartment because her place has too many flights of stairs for you to navigate as you recover from serious injuries.
- Afternoons on the golf course with you college friends because you can no longer comfortably get in and out of a golf cart or walk long distances without assistance.
- The chance to take an evening walk with your wife.
- Yearly income to help you compensate for the lost wages that you or a loved one are no longer able to earn.
- Ongoing physical and occupational therapy so that you can manage the tasks that you used to be able to do with ease, and without any assistance.
- Uninterrupted care options for your loved one who is no longer able to feed himself, or even get to the bathroom.
- Nursing home assistance until you are able to walk again by yourself and return to your home that has stairs between the kitchen and the bedroom.
- Essential modifications to the vehicle that you hope to be able to drive again someday soon.
- Educational opportunities for your daughter who is now only able to attend school half days as she recovers from a car accident that barely spared her life.
- Driving or transportation options for your son who is going to be in a wheelchair for at least the next six months.
Without the help of personal injury attorneys or wrongful death lawyers it may be difficult to anticipate the needs that you will have in both the short and long term. It is impossible, for instance, to imagine the implications for a teenager who is unable to get to school on a regular basis. The help of a knowledgable wrongful death lawyer, however, may enable you to more accurately predict the future needs that you and your family may have. There is a significant difference, for example, in the needs of a person who has a short term injury and the needs of a family who has just lost their major bread winner to a drunk driving accident.
Even when you are trying your best to be a safe driver, the distractions or anger of other drivers can change your life forever. Unfortunately, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety reports that aggressive driving plays a role in 66% of fatal traffic accidents. Even when you pay careful attention to the road, you, or someone in your family, may fall victim to someone else’s anger or inattention. During daylight hours, the latest frightening statistic is that 660,000 people are using cellphones while driving. If you become a victim of one of these careless drivers, get the legal assistance you need.