Have you been arrested for a criminal offense? If so, it is important to contact a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible so that they can make you aware of your rights and responsibilities. Depending on your circumstances, a criminal defense lawyer will be able to provide relevant counsel.
If you did not commit the crime for which you were arrested, or there are extenuating circumstances, your criminal defense lawyer will ask you a variety of specific questions before proceeding with your case. Furthermore, your attorney will also conduct any necessary research, such as interviewing witnesses or other relevant individuals, as they prepare for your defense.
When the actual or alleged crime falls under the jurisdiction of the family court system, then you want to be sure that the criminal defense lawyer with whom you work is well-versed in family law. A family law attorney will be able to respond to your questions and actively listen to your concerns.
If, for example, you live in the state of Rhode Island and have child support arrearages, there are several conditions under which you may be found guilty and prosecuted by the Attorney General’s Office, according to the State of Rhode Island’s Office of Child Support Services.
You may, for example, be found guilty of a felony when the following conditions regarding child support apply:
- You have child support arrearages of $10,000.
- You have refused to pay even though you have the means to do so.
- You have failed to pay for three years.
The Office of Child Support Services also states that you could be found guilty for each time you refuse to pay child support. If you are convicted of these crimes, you could be sent to prison for up to five years.
If and when there are extenuating circumstances, your family lawyer will focus on determining whether these circumstances are relevant to your case. When they are able to ascertain that they are, your attorney will likely these findings as part of their defense.
Having an experienced criminal defense lawyer can make a major difference in a family law case where substantial child support arrearages are an issue. Furthermore, a criminal defense attorney will also be able to potentially assist you with other issues, such as visitation rights.