Have you ever been injured on the job? It can be a scary and stressful situation. You are in pain from the injury, wondering if you need to be seen by a medical professional. You are wondering if you can afford the medical visit, if one is needed. You are worried about the hours lost and the reduction in your paycheck as a result. What if you have to take additional time off? What if you incur further medical expenses? Will your job be angry about your injury? Who is responsible? These are all things that must cross your mind following a work related injury. It is difficult to answer any one of these questions, without the specifics of a work situation. However, a person who is injured on the job has rights. They have rights to medical care and to legal representation, should it come to that.
There are many reasons that an employee might be injured on the job. Some of the reasons are solely the fault of the individual and their neglect of care or knowledge of their job. Others are the fault of neglect from the company on the safety of the workplace, whether it be purposeful or not. 85% of worker?s compensation claims are attributed to employees slipping on slick floors. Companies are required to recommend non slip shoes to its employees. They are also required to put out wet floor signs for both employees and customers, notifying them to take care on the slippery flooring. However, sometimes accidents do still happen.
The annual cost of civil lawsuits to the U.S. economy is $233 billion. Employees are often worried about the cost of legal and medical fees following a work related injury. However, most employers are required to carry some type of workman?s compensation. This makes it simple for the employee to claim their injury and to receive proper representation and funds for their injury. The workman?s compensation department is responsible for looking further into the injury and if an agreement is not made, an employee has the option of appealing and getting their own accident attorney.
When a work related injury is the fault of the employer, then they are responsible for medical costs, time lost and any necessary legal fees. 22% of slip and fall incidents resulted in more than 31 days away from work. This is an increase in medical visits and care and a decrease in paycheck received from the lost time. The employer is responsible for this in this situation. A burn injury lawyer may be needed when an employee is burned on the job. A burn injury lawyer is someone who specializes in burns and work related injuries and will provide the employee with proper consultation. A burn injury lawyer will understand the necessary steps to take to ensure proper representation of the work related injury.
A personal injury lawyer works for the employee and protects their rights. They are often looking into the situation and all of the details of it. This might include the details surrounding a burn injury lawyer or a car accident on the job. An auto accident attorney or car accident lawyer may work with employees on a workman?s compensation legal case or on other defendants who are involved and injured in an auto accident.
Every year, many employees are injured on the job. It is an employer?s responsibility to provide a safe and injury free work environment for its employees. This is not always possible and accidents do happen. However, when they do happen, it is also the work?s responsibility to cover any medical costs, any damages and any wages that are lost from time off. If a decision is made that the company is not responsible for the work related injury, the employee has the ability to consult with and potentially hire a burn injury lawyer or an work related accident lawyer. They will assist you with your case and potentially take it to trial for you.