There are many different reasons why you might need an aggressive lawyer in your lifetime. Perhaps you break the law or are in an accident or decide to file a lawsuit against someone. No matter the reason, it’s always a good idea to have an attorney on your side that you can trust. Two of the main reasons people tend to seek out an aggressive attorney, though, are divorces and setting up wills.
Many people seek out a divorce lawyer because, let’s face it, about half of all marriages fail at some point. In fact, 33 percent of first marriages end in just the first ten years. Within the first five years of a marriage, the probability of it ending in divorce or some other sort of separation is 20 percent. Divorce is very common here in the United States, plain and simple, so common that an estimated ten percent of the population is divorced. But divorce doesn’t just impact the couple, but it also has lasting implications on any children involved. And considering the high divorce rate in the country, it should come as no surprise that nearly 1.5 million children’s families split up because of divorce each and every year.
Fortunately, most divorce cases reach some sort of settlement. In fact, about two-thirds of couples who decided on a mediated divorce claimed they were satisfied with the legal process of their divorce. Despite this satisfaction, though, one cannot ignore the financial aspects associated with divorce. Many people are surprised to discover that filing for divorce is expensive. Just how expensive? Well, a typical divorce here in America can cost anywhere between $15,000 and $30,000.
Setting up wills is another reason why people might seek out an aggressive attorney. Wills are a great way to prepare for the future because you never know when an accident might pop up. Unfortunately, many adults don’t have a will, with about 57 percent saying they just hadn’t gotten around to setting one up. That is a big chunk of the population without some of the most important legal documents one can have. After all, according to Business Insider, a will, a living will, and a power of attorney are essentially some of the most important documents an individual can own.
Fortunately, with the right aggressive attorney, setting up a will can be a relatively painless process. Drafting a will only take about 10 to 15 minutes. This is what attorneys do, though. They strive to help out as much as possible with it comes to your legal affairs. From settling divorces to drafting up wills, everyone should have a reliable aggressive attorney they can trust.