As you probably already know, deer and cars do not mix. According to the latest auto accidents statistics, there about 1.23 million deer auto accidents — too many of which wound up being fatal auto accidents — in the U.S. between July 1, 2011, and June 30, 2012. These statistics on car accidents also revealed that deer auto accidents caused more than $4 billion in vehicle damage.
Know Their Habits.
Deer are most active at night, usually hang around heavily wooded areas, and never travel alone. This means that you need to be extra careful and keep an eye out when it’s dark out, and when you’re driving near the outskirts of town. If you only see one deer, it’s likely not alone. You just can’t see the others.
Look Out For Their Eyes.
Bright headlights mesmerize deer, which is how they become trapped despite your oncoming vehicle. Luckily, their eyes shine when they see headlights, making them more visible. Turn your brights on when there aren’t other motorists around. Experts on deer auto accidents also recommend blasting the horn to wake a frozen deer.
Never Swerve Out of the Way.
Never swerve out of the way of deer auto accidents. This might sound idiotic, but swerving actually confuses deer on where they should run, thusly making a collision all the more likely. You could also collide into another car, or cause other cars to get into an accident, when you swerve, too. Plus, swerving can also take you off the road, and into a tree or ditch, which completely defeats the purpose of trying to avoid the deer, and could be even worse of an accident.
If you don’t be become another of the many car accidents statistics, then do your best to avoid deer this season. If you have any questions about deer auto accidents, feel free to ask in the comments. Continue your research here: www.stonelawalaska.com