There is a lot of things to deal with when your marriage ends. New living arrangements, child custody, splitting of your financial assets, decisions about property, and the ever confusing divorce process. Divorce often is a scary word that is associated with piles of divorce papers, divorce lawyers, and hefty fees. Completing the divorce process can be quite confusing if you are not informed before it begins. So here are some helpful things to know about going through a divorce.
Don’t Expect to Get Everything You Want
Divorce is about compromise. It is rare to get everything you want in the divorce, for example one spouse may get complete custody of the children but may not get the amount of alimony requested. Do not focus on the winner and the loser of the settlement, but instead focus on trying to gain what is best for you and your spouse.
Keep your Kids in Mind
You are the one getting divorced, not your children so make sure to keep their needs and wants at the center of the entire process. The divorce process can be extremely damaging to your children, so make sure you and your estranged spouse are always cordial around them. Consider their best interests when determining child custody, and if needed attend mediation for child custody.
Don’t Listen to Others About Their Divorce
Every divorce process is different. No matter if it is your sister, your best friend, or your coworker, each divorce situation differs. The information they give you may be misleading or irrelevant to your case, so basing your ideas on the outcomes of other divorces can lead to crushed hopes and unhappiness.
Be Honest With Your Divorce Attorney
It is crucial that you are open and honest with your divorce lawyer every step of the way. In order to reach a settlement you will be happy with, it is important they know everything about your marriage in order for them to give you proper advice. You do not want to hide anything from them, because if they find something out in the middle of the divorce it can be extremely hurtful to your case.