Traffic accidents, medical malpractice, trips and falls and other types of accidents can all lead to personal injury lawsuits against the person or organization responsible for the injury. Laws vary from one state to another, but in general all claims must be filed within the statute of limitations. Anyone who has suffered an injury due to the actions or negligence of another individual should call a personal injury attorney to find out if they can file a personal injury claim.
What are personal injury claims?
Personal injury claims arise when someone is injured due to the actions or negligence of another individual or organization. These could be injuries suffered in a traffic accident caused by drunk or distracted driving, medical malpractice, or due to slips and falls in the workplace or other premises.
Such claims demand personal injury compensation for the injuries suffered as well as medical costs and costs due to loss of income from work.
Personal injury claims must be filed within the statute of limitations, which usually defines a period of one to three years from the date of the injury. The actual period varies from state to state. While some people might think it better to file quickly, many personal injury attorneys may actually recommend waiting until all medical treatments have been completed. New complications from the injury may arise as time goes by, and new medical treatments may be needed. The decision about the right time to file can be a balancing act, which is why it’s a good idea to hire an experienced attorney to handle the case for you.
Does premises liability law apply to my case?
Slips and falls in the workplace and other locations are a very common cause of injury. These can be very dangerous and lead to serious hurt. In fact, trips and falls are the leading cause of traumatic brain injury. If an injury is caused on another individual’s property, that individual may be responsible under premises liability. As many as 2 million falls each year can be attributed to slippery floors and flooring materials, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).
Premises liability law covers injuries on private property, including homes, shopping malls, hotels, grocery stores, gyms, bars, and restaurants. If you have suffered an injury on such premises, it’s a good idea to consult an injury lawyer. An injury attorney should be able to prove that the owner of the property failed to make the property safe for any visitors. They must also show that the property owner was aware of the dangerous condition and failed to repair it or to warn visitors.
Do you need a personal injury attorney?
Premises liability cases can be complicated, and it’s a good idea to have an experienced personal injury lawyer handle the case for you. Proving negligence or failure to repair a dangerous condition can be difficult, and it’s best to get professional help.
Further, a personal injury law firm has extensive experience in the field and can make sure that you get the full compensation to which you are entitled. Many personal injury claims are settled out of court and legal help is necessary to handle the negotiations successfully.
Personal injury claims arise from injuries due to accidents that can be proven to have been caused by another individual’s actions or negligence. Such cases can be quite complicated, and it’s best to get help from an injury attorney in order to get the full compensation to which you are entitled for your injuries.