Divorce mediation is when the lawyer mediates between the two parties during divorce proceedings to help reduce conflict. Mediation aims to make it easier for the couple and their children
Month: July 2014

Entrust Your Divorce to a Family LawyerEntrust Your Divorce to a Family Lawyer
Many people with family law issues have sought out a lawyer, but the answer to the question of whether you need one or not is complicated. Do you need a

The Numbers Behind BankruptcyThe Numbers Behind Bankruptcy
Within the past few years, millions of Americans have encountered financial problems which have been largely attributed to the “recession” of 2005. The number, and type, of bankruptcies that are

How to Hire a Private InvestigatorHow to Hire a Private Investigator
In popular culture, private detectives are typically portrayed as being on the wrong side of the law. However, this is typically not the case; in fact, according to the U.S.

The Shocking Deaths Amusement Parks Don’t Want You To Know AboutThe Shocking Deaths Amusement Parks Don’t Want You To Know About
Seemingly innocent family vacations can turn tragic — and sometimes they can take a turn for the worst pretty quickly, too. Three million Americans suffer injuries in car crashes every