Bankruptcy is a stressful process but one that can provide relief and help people get a fresh start. In the long run, bankruptcy may turn out to be one of the best choices of your life. Just read through the personal stories of chapter 7 bankruptcy, and while some people were initially hit with hard times, many recovered.

It’s crucial to work with an attorney who focuses on bankruptcy cases. There are many types of bankruptcy, so you may want to find a lawyer who specializes, such as a chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer. Once you sit down with a lawyer, you might have many questions, such as should I tell creditors I am filing bankruptcy or do I have to go to court for bankruptcy? An attorney can provide the right answers. You might also wonder what you should do if someone filed bankruptcy and owes you money. In this case too, it’s wise to speak with a lawyer.
Bankruptcy is often a long and intense process. It may take several months or more for everything to wrap up. In some cases, you might lose property or may be denied loans. While these situations are difficult, working with a bankruptcy attorney could ultimately provide relief.

Bankruptcy is a word that most people hate hearing, and the thought of filing for bankruptcy can be even worse. Yet once bills start piling up and debt collectors won’t stop calling, it may be time to figure out how to find a bankruptcy lawyer. If so, you aren’t alone: at least one in every 70 households in the U.S. will experience a bankruptcy at some point — that’s around 1.1 million per year.
What many people don’t know about bankruptcy is that is can actually relieve debt, and it doesn’t always mean losing your home or other possessions. Further, there’s is a difference between Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcy in that Chapter 7 allows you to liquidate all debt and Chapter 13 helps you develop a payment plan for your debt (usually about five years). A bankruptcy doesn’t necessarily ruin a person’s credit, either, and it is possible to rebuild if your credit score falls.
If you are wondering how to find a bankruptcy lawyer in your area, and what to do once you have, here are some guidelines you can follow to help:
Check the phone book
This is likely the first step for many people, but it can be a little bit difficult if you’re unsure which lawyers practice which area of law. Further, it won’t really give you any idea of who the lawyers are or what experience they have. In other words, this may be a good starting point, but it’s not a guarantee.
Look at an online listing
Several sites online have directories that will point you toward a bankruptcy lawyer in your city or state. However, these listings may or may not contain reviews, so it’s best to use them at your own risk. Even if you find an attorney online, you will still want to meet with him or her to assess whether or not he or she can handle your case. You can use a search engine to find bankruptcy lawyers in your city, as well.
Get recommendations from others
Do you know anyone who has experienced a bankruptcy before? If so, you may be able to seek out their recommendations. This is also a good time to get advice on finding a bankruptcy attorney and filing for Chapter 13 or Chapter 7. However, keep in mind that all cases are different, so you will have the best guidance when you discuss your case with a qualified attorney.
Read reviews
Online reviews are everywhere these days, and it’s not uncommon to find real testimonials from those who have filed for bankruptcy before. While these reviews can be helpful, it’s best to take them with a grain of salt. However, it may help you find out which lawyers have been able to produce more favorable results for their clients and which ones gave their cases the attention they needed.
Schedule a consultation
No matter how you find your bankruptcy attorney, you will want to schedule a consultation to go over the specifics of your case. Doing so will allow you to ask any questions you have. Good bankruptcy attorneys should be able to walk you through the steps of your filing and let you know what will happen during and after your case.
Do you have more questions about how to find a bankruptcy lawyer near you? Continue reading here.