Experienced family law lawyers are an essential part of filing an amended petition for dissolution of marriage. Even if you mutually decide to divorce, there are still legal issues to figure out. This is why it is so important to have a lawyer working on your behalf. You’ll need to figure out things like money and custody, which can get personal and emotional. The lawyers can draft an alimony agreement letter without bringing any conflict into the process. This helps you get the fairest result that still fits within the law.
You should also have a lawyer to answer any questions you might have. Are legal separations on public record? This might depend on your location. By hiring a lawyer, you can be sure that the information you get will fit your exact situation. So while you can print a blank divorce petition form off the internet, you can’t find all of the answers yourself. Instead, invest in a lawyer to help you. They will be able to use their experience in family law to help you get the best possible results.

Love is an amazing, beautiful, dangerous, and stupid thing. They say that to love is to be human; they also say that to err is to be human. Sometimes two people give it a try and find that the spark is out–a divorce might just have to be the best option. For those couples that have tried everything, divorce is the last option available for over 10 % of the U.S. population. Divorce can be ugly, for those not sure of what to expect, here are the three stages of divorce.
The Worst Years
Marriage and the honeymoon seemed so perfect, but so long ago. Sometimes people change; sometimes people aren’t who you think they are. A first marriage has a 20% chance to end in divorce within 5 years, with a 10 year marriage increasing to 33%. Sadly, there is rarely agreement when it comes to divorce as 80% of all divorce cases are unilateral with only one party agreeing that divorce is the right option. These years building up to divorce are the worst and most trying for couples–especially those with children.
The Court Days
The decision to seek out specialized attorneys for divorce mediation is the beginning of the end, however it may be a lengthy process as nearly all divorce proceedings last nearly a year. Divorce attorneys are suited to handling matters of child custody and domestic violence which too often are paired with divorce. An average of nearly 95% of divorce cases are settled thanks to an out-of-court agreement. Nearly two-thirds of couples who hire specialized attorneys as mediators are satisfied with the outcome of the divorce proceedings.
The Rest of Your Life
After the stress, fees, and details have all been worked out life will start normalizing again. For many, this can be a blank slate or new beginning for their lives. Divorce is rarely an easy matter, and in the worst cases it can be truly uncivilized–with the right specialized attorneys, some of the pain caused by divorce can be avoided. If your ideal soul mate has turned into a nightmare, divorce may be the best outcome for what could be a gruesome situation.