When you’ve come across rough times and are facing potential legal repercussions that could eat away at your finances or even your emotional stability, an attorney is who you need to call. From a divorce lawyer that deals specifically in matters relating to marital strife to an auto accident attorney who can overlook the details of a car crash with a critical eye, there’s a professional available for every situation. Rather than attempting to swim through the legal seas on your own, reaching out and using the resources available to you will increase your chances of getting out of your situation with your sanity intact.
What kind of lawyer do you need to contact? All this and more will be evaluated below with statistics, recent legal changes and additional information on the court hearing process.
A civil lawsuit is a legal grievance applied to an individual or group of people. As you can already imagine, this is a broad definition that can apply to any number of circumstances. The annual cost of civil lawsuits in the American economy alone has exceeded $240 billion. It’s important to remember, however, that the majority of personal injury lawsuits are actually resolved outside of the court. This will give you a better idea of your chances when it comes to reaching a viable conclusion.
For those applying for a divorce, a divorce lawyer is an applicable resource that can assist you through every step of the process. Marital rates have seen a noticeable decline over the past few decades, with many sociological experts attributing these changes to fluctuations in the economy as well as changing social norms to the institution of marriage. For those who also need child custody or a restraining order on top of a divorce application, a divorce lawyer will be able to help.
For those applying for bankruptcy, it is imperative you seek out the right attorney. Bankruptcy can be life changing for many, especially for individuals who have a weaker security net to fall back on in light of such an event. Back in 2014 the top five states with the most bankruptcy filings were Georgia, Ohio, Illinois, Florida and California. According to additional American bankruptcy court statistics, it’s estimated over one million people will file every single year.
Yet more Americans seek out the aid of a workers’ comp attorney in light of an injury or illness sustained while on the job. When a company is unwilling to provide reasonable compensation, local and nationwide laws can provide legal fallback. Only 70% of states require all businesses to have workers’ compensation. It’s estimated as many as 20% of all slip and fall accidents alone resulted in more than a month away from work. March of 2015 saw the average compensation for an employee with an injured arm reaching $170,000.
The lawyer that suits you best will go a long way in getting you the help you need. Instead of stressing out over your chances, file your disability claim or bankruptcy with the support system available to you.