We live in harsh economic times. Homeowners who once felt confident in their financial future and their investments now fear mounting debt and the possibility of foreclosure. A real estate lawyer is often as necessary as a real estate agent. Are you informed and prepared about what to do if you find yourself in a financial situation that could jeopardize your personal or commercial property?
The number of personal property law cases in the courtrooms across America are on the rise. In fact, one in every 96 homes reported at least one foreclosure filing in the year 2013. For the sake of these financially stressed home owners and property managers, it is important that they find competent and qualified legal advice.
Personal property rights attorneys, while not necessarily needed for every home closing that occurs, often have the best insight when it comes to a home buyers rights. For example, did you know that on average it takes about 40 days to close on a house in California? In a tight housing market a quick closing can often be the difference in a successful transfer of a new home and an old home. After a buyer has entered into a purchase contract, for example, how long things will take to finalize often depends on the contract. Ideally, the contract should specify a closing date or number of days before closing. Within four to ten weeks is typical, although the amount of time can vary from state to state.
Personal property rights lawyers and attorneys can also be of valuable assistance to renters, as well as home owners. In the state of California, for example, a tenant who has lived in the premises for more than one year, the landlord must provide at least a 60 day notice to vacate if they want to evict. A renter who is not aware of his or her rights can find themselves in a frightening situation with very few options. Consulting a personal property rights lawyer, however, can ensure that a renter is given every opportunity to have the time to safely and completely move their possessions.
We live in a world that often involves the need for legal consultation. When you find yourself in a real estate situation that you are uncertain of, doesn’t it make sense to consult with a firm that focuses on their real estate law practice and knows what it takes to get you the results you deserve.